Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Seven Steps to High Employee Morale at Work

Motivation and Morale in the Workplace

Motivation and Morale in the Workplace In one dictionary I looked at the definition of “morale” was “The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks.” The question of morale is wrapped up in discussion of productivity, employee engagement, employee motivation, employee […]

Workplace Trends: The Myth of the Intrapreneur

The concept behind an intrapreneur

Does Startup Innovation Have a Place in Corporate America? Risks are taken by startups and small enterprises. They change with the times, the environment, and the industries, and they are adaptable. They are quick and bring creativity and an alternative viewpoint. These businesspeople frequently stake everything on the line, jeopardizing their future financial security in […]

Shifting Gears in Life Without Riding the Clutch

Life and Changing Jobs

Life and Changing Jobs Making a big life change is pretty scary.  But, know what’s even scarier?  Regret. In Simon T. Bailey’s book “The Vuja de Moment” he talks about restarting your engine and offers this poignant remark, “The question is not whether you should shift to follow your passion.  The real question is what do […]

How to Improve Your Productivity & Fulfillment at Work

Productivity & Fulfillment at Work

Earlier this week, the 13th Annual Illinois HR Conference and Expo (ILSHRM) took place near Chicago. As usual, there were some great keynotes, as well as concurrent sessions.  And out of two nearly full days of information on everything from candidate experience to labor law, one thing really stood out as a topic for further […]

Can I Be Fired for Being Gay?

gay, diversity, human rights, fired, LGBTA

“Can I be fired for being gay?” That is one of the recent searches last week on Google that led a visitor to my blog.  I’m sad for that employee and others who cannot be themselves at work gay, straight, or otherwise.  I’m sad that someone felt compelled to search for answers on such a […]

Five Thoughts You Can’t Afford at Work

Thoughts Impact Your Attitude in the Workplace

Thoughts Impact Your Attitude in the Workplace A wise friend once told me that I can’t control my first thought, but I can control my second thought.  You can’t change what pops into your head, but you can change what you choose to dwell on – the thoughts that will form your attitudes and beliefs […]