Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Small Business HR Tech Makes Waves in Ecosystem

This week I’m in Las Vegas for a handful of conferences and events including the IAEWS Fall Congress, HR Tech Tank and the HR Technology Conference. Many cocktails will be (and have already) consumed and conversations had on a variety of topics with one topic already being the subject of multiple conversations which is the […]

Top Five: Digging Deeper into #Twitterlayoffs

The big news in social media this week was Twitter’s 300+ layoffs, mostly at — but not limited to — it’s San Francisco headquarters. It quickly became more than a business story, with employees taking to Reddit to share their layoff stories, several having found out early when they attempted to log in and get […]

Millennials Aren’t Special. They Just Have Great Timing

I’m convinced Millennial employees are no different than Baby Boomers or Generation X employees. I saw a chart the other day illustrating research that found Millennials want access to the Internet, ability to work from home, meaningful work, promotional opportunities and a good salary. Seriously. Do you know any adult of any age who doesn’t […]

Recruiters, Not HR Tech Companies, Should Drive Innovation

The term “mobile apply” means the process by which a candidate may apply for a for a specific job opening through a company directly or via a career site, using their personal mobile or tablet device. When using these devices instead of a regular personal computer or laptop, candidates are restricted by the size of […]

Humans vs. Robots: Is Creativity the Key?

There is a concern among people that with the coming “robotization” of work that many will be without jobs. I have written a number of times that one way to insure that you will be employed in a robot world is to make sure you keep some aspect of “humanness” in your job. Perhaps creativity […]