Out Now: Episode 415: Registered Apprenticeship Programs in the Clean Energy Sector With Dr. Janell Hills

Will HR Be the Last Department to Offer Telecommuting

I was reading an article in Information Age the other day. The author was talking about importance of unified communication platforms at work. It is important to have good digital communication because that is an increasing need in the workplace and beyond for the reasons expressed below. In reading the article it made me wonder […]

Can Remote Control Robots Be an ADA Accommodation?

robots, AI, ADA, remote control, ada accomodation

We all know that under the American’s with Disabilities Act that employers have to make an effort to accommodate disabled employees in order to allow them to perform work they are capable of performing with or without an accommodation. What if that accommodation was a remote control robot that roamed the office in the employee’s […]

Will Automation Make Universal Income Necessary?

When you think about the future of automation and robotics there are typically three schools of thought. The first school says that the use of automation and robotics will create widespread unemployment. People will be out of work and subsequently out of money. The second school says that while automation and robots will displace workers […]

Promoting the Freelance and Gig Economy

The US Department of Labor has redefined the rules surrounding what employees can be considered exempt. This redefinition requires that employers have newly declared nonexempt employees accurately record time worked on a daily basis. At the same time they are clamping down on use of independent contractors. Both of these actions fly in the face […]

The Future of Harassment Reduction Happens with Training

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently issued a report that talked about the state of harassment, of all kinds, in the workplace today. There are a dozen risk factors they talk about in this report that have led to an increase in harassment claims over the last several years. These risk factors are a […]

What Does the Future Hold for New College Grads?

What Does the Future Hold for New College Grads? The largest private sector union in Canada, Unifor, whose Atlantic Region director is Lana Payne, wrote an essay that I recently read. She was lamenting what Canadian college grads will become. It’s not a pretty picture, in her perspective. I was left wondering how that compared […]